Broken Arrow
Elks Lodge 2673

Broken Arrow Elks Lodge 2673
Proudly serving the communities of Broken Arrow and Coweta since 1983!
The Broken Arrow Elks Lodge 2673 holds true to the essence of the Elks, our focus and our purpose: To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs, demonstrating that Elks Care and Elks Share.

Veteran Services
Elks take pride in supporting our Veterans and all they have done for our Nation.

Antlers Program
Helping young people get involved with the Elks and the many service-related projects.

Cadet Lawmen
A week long program offering insight to a Law Enforcement Officers Training.

About us
Who we are
We are…
A fraternal order with nearly a million members and a 141-year history.
A network of nearly 2000 lodges in communities all over the country.
A generous charitable foundation that each year gives millions in scholarships, an inspiration to youth, a friend to veterans and more.
This Fraternal Order was founded “To promote and practice the four cardinal virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American Patriotism and cultivate good fellowship.”
The Order spends more than $80,000,000 every year for benevolent, educational and patriotic community-minded programs in such fields as benefitting special needs children, sponsoring Elks National Foundation scholarships, scouting, athletic teams, veterans’ works, a national “Hoop Shoot” free-throw contest involving more than 3 million children, physical and occupational therapy programs and patriotic programs.
The youth of our country have always been important to the Order. It is for this reason the Elks Drug Awareness Education Program was launched to warn primary grade students and their parents of the dangers in drug use. Additionally, every lodge observes June 14th as Flag Day, a tradition which the Elks began in 1907 and was later adopted by the Congress as an official observance.
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