Grand Exalted Ruler Randy P. Shook

Final stretch of Lodge year starts in January

Wanda and I want to wish each of you a very happy new year as we welcome in 2024. New Year’s Day is a time when we reflect upon the events of the past year and plan for the upcoming year. New resolutions are made to improve health, diet, and other ambitions. For us as Elks, it should be our resolution to improve our Lodge and our Order.

January is the beginning of the last quarter of the Lodge year. Get your membership retention and arrears program into full stride. Have your committee reach out to delinquent Members. This personal contact could very well bring that Member back into our folds. Remind them of why they joined and how much they mean to the Lodge. It would be great for your Lodge to have a +1 membership gain in 2024.

You and your Lodge Officers should be reviewing how and where you stand with your Local Lodge goals for the year. Should you see you are falling short, make January, February, and March your last big push to meet those goals. Your Lodge has all the assets needed to meet those goals with the right plans. Use your Past Exalted Rulers Association, Board of Directors, and Lodge committees to analyze what is needed to declare victory.

This is also a great time to review your hard-working Members and decide who deserves an award for the great work done for your Lodge. Some of the awards you can present to a Member and Officer who has done so much to promote the Order are Elk of the Year, Officer of the Year, and Citizen of the Year. There is no better way to say thank you for the hard work and dedication they have demonstrated. You may involve other Members to promote the good work that your Lodge does in your community.

Finally, the Auditing and Accounting Committee should review Lodge books and report at the last meeting of the month.

Remember “Elks Care — Elks Share” and “We Are THE Elks.”

God Bless our great Order, our troops, and the United States of America.

Grand Exalted Ruler T. Keith Mills

Grand Exalted Randy P. Shook

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